Health and Safety Policy

Bulten is committed to creating and fostering a safe, healthy and positive work environment for all employees and others, including contractors and consultants, who are working in our premises and members of the public who may visit Bulten’s premises, with regards to both the physical, organizational and social working environment.

The goal is to develop a workplace that is sustainable in the long-term perspective and for this we will actively work to prevent injuries and illness and to promote physical and mental health ,workplace well-being1) and high employee engagement of our employees. Bulten’s zero accidents vision and the aspiration for the highest work place wellbeing in the industry are guiding principles in this work.

The employer has the main responsibility for the work environment and is responsible for taking all necessary measures to prevent risks of ill health and accidents and to create a good working environment. For this, a close and continuous cooperation is required between the company management and the employees. Each business entity shall have a forum where employee representatives and the management can discuss, plan and follow up on occupational health and safety work. Employee representatives shall be appointed by the employees and information on who they are shall be available for everyone in the business entity. Other internal as well as external stakeholders shall be involved when relevant.

Bulten shall be compliant with applicable laws and other occupational health and safety regulations where the Company operates. Annual goals will be set, both on Group as well as local level, to improve the work environment and to eliminate accidents, incidents, unsafe conditions and work related illness.

Guidelines for the occupational health & safety work:

  • Bulten does not accept harassments and/or discrimination. No employee shall be subject to abusive discrimination such as bullying, social exclusion, harassment or psychological violence.

  • No one may be under influence of alcohol and drugs during working hours.

  • All Bulten’s facilities shall have fire protection equipment meeting local regulations and an emergency plan. Regularly inspection and reviews of these shall be performed.

  • All employees shall actively participate in the design of health and safety work at their work place and shall be given the knowledge, skills and practical opportunities required to do so.

  • Those who are assigned leadership roles or work environment tasks shall be given training, powers and resources to exercise consistent leadership and solve tasks in a way that provides security at work. Managers and employees will continuously participate in training and development to enhance their knowledge of work environment issues.

  • All existing, potential and new hazards shall be identified and risk assessed and all practicable steps to eliminate, isolate or minimize the exposure to significant hazards shall be taken.

  • Changes, such as new equipment and machinery, new chemicals new processes, new locations and organizational changes shall be assessed to ensure the design takes into account safety, workplace ergonomics and well-being of employees.

  • All employees shall be aware of the hazards in their work area and shall be adequately trained and use appropriate protective equipment to enable them to perform their duties in a safe manner.

  • In addition to regular employee training, all contractors and visitors shall be informed of the relevant safety regulations in Bulten’s premises they are required to follow and comply with.

  • All employees are required to immediately report and record risks/near misses, incidents and injuries. All reported near misses, incidents and injuries shall be investigated to ensure all contributing factors are identified and, where appropriate, plans for corrective actions are developed and implemented.

  • Work related stress, repetitive motion and ergonomic related pain or discomfort should be reported and when relevant, appropriate medically prescribed treatment and rehabilitation plans are provided to ensures a safe, swift and durable return to work.

  • Annual development dialogue shall be conducted regularly between managers and employees, and employee surveys shall be conducted on a regular basis.

  • A culture and system of continuous improvement shall be promoted at all Bulten’s facilities – this includes, establishing best practice processes across all units, monitoring and evaluation of results and improvements in order to guarantee a continuous development of our processes. Policies and procedures shall be reviewed each year.

  • The Health and Safety performance shall be followed up by the executive management team on a regular basis. The group of companies report and follow up on sick leave, near misses and accidents.

  • Suppliers shall be encouraged to apply principles in their activities that are consistent with Bulten´s Health & Safety policy


It is important that all employees know that if a work environment problem arises, they should always contact their manager, supervisor, or an alternatively appointed local representative such as safety representative, union representative or Human Resources.

All business entities within the Bulten Group are responsible for implementing procedures based on this policy and it is each managers responsibility to comply with and implement this policy locally.


The Managing Director/CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the legal Entity has the overall responsibility for the work environment and must ensure that responsibilities and authority are clearly defined in the entity/company in such way that the occupational health and safety work can be conducted effectively. In order for the employer to be able to fulfil the occupational health and safety responsibilities, the work environment tasks must usually be delegated to managers and employees. Delegation means that tasks in the occupational health & safety work formally (in written) is distributed in the organization to be accomplished. Only work environment task that is linked to a specific position can be delegated.

Managers have, within their respective areas of operation, responsibility for active occupational health and safety work and that conditions are provided for solving work environment issues as far as possible at the level where they arise.

All employees and contractors/suppliers working in Bulten’s facilities are expected to be active and contribute to creating a safe, secure, quality-conscious and efficient workplace that is characterized by an open and respectful work climate. Each employee has an individual responsibility to know about and follow the rules and guidelines in place for their facility and specific job function and to point out risks or deficiencies in the work environment to their immediate supervisor. Every manager and employee also has an obligation to participate in occupational health and safety training and procedures.

Anders Nyström
President and CEO of the Bulten Group
August 31, 2021